Something to Report
Confessions of a Frog Kisser will be available in about six weeks courtesy of! I'm very excited to finally have it at this stage, and I can't wait to see what it looks like in print. is a wonderful POD publisher. They are very pro-author, and work hard to make sure the self publishing experience is a positive one. Unlike most POD/self publishers, they do not print everything submitted. My little book had to go through an editorial review before they accepted it. I was a little nervous about that, spelling not being my strong suit and all. But I did it, and now the book is in process.
I encourage you to visit It's a great place to find books by people like me who didn't want to slog through the traditional route of finding an agent who'd then find a publisher, etc. (That's a great process, it's just time consuming and frustrating and I'd rather be writing than doing it.)
When it's ready, the book will be available via the site. You'll also be able to get it from, Barnes &, and a few others. However, it will faster (and more financially beneficial to me and to buy it directly.
Thanks to my brother-in-law Dan and my dear college roommate Beverly who both suggested the title. I love it, and I figured if two people who don't know each other suggested it, it must be a good one.
Susan, that's great news! Can't wait to see it in print and buy one of the first copies!
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