The web site for Susan Rose...writer and business tycoon

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Welcome to RoseBud, the site where inquiring minds can find out what's new with me, Susan Rose. I started this site to keep my friends and family up-to-date on the progress of my novel, Confessions of a Frog Kisser. Since publishing the book, this site has morphed into whatever I feel like making it at any given time! To find out a little more about me and my goings on, take a look through the site. I'd love to hear from you, especially if I say something in the blog that strikes a chord. So drop me a line anytime.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Heavy Heart

I'm a little sad and hurt today. I'm not sure how to describe the situation that has my heart heavy; there are many aspects to it. The very short story is that a person I have known for a few years, and have liked very much, is threatening to sue my fiance for trademark infringement and is accusing me of conspiring with him.

Reading that sentence, I realize how woefully inadequate it is to describe the situation. But I don't really think I should say more about it here.

The thing that has me sad is that this person never called me or him to discuss this situation. She went straight to a lawyer, who sent one of those threatening legal letters. So, without any warning, we find ourselves in a nasty situation.

I guess the takeaway right now is the whole issue of communication, and our human tendency to avoid confrontation. She felt wronged and decided she knew what was behind our actions, but didn't talk to us to learn the real story, which is so far from her idea of it. I suppose she felt like the confrontation of that conversation would be too hard and stressful. So she took the "easy" way out (at least for her), and involved a lawyer. In the end, that's not easier for anyone, and she's still going to have the confrontation to deal with.

So...lesson learned. The conversation you need to have may be hard, and you may not want to do it. But maybe it offers a chance to clear up a miscommunication and you can resolve the situation before it gets out of hand.

I'm hoping we can still salvage this situation. It's not too late, at least as far as we're concerned. I know that I at least will use this as a reminder to do the hard, but right, thing when a difficult situation faces me.



Blogger K J Gillenwater said...

Susan, I am *so* sorry for your difficult situation! That is just awful. I know what a kind, considerate person you are, and I know you would never do something like this.

We have become such a lawyer-happy nation, that people are thinking they must turn to a lawyer for every hurt and misunderstanding.

I'm sorry you've become caught up in this. Hopefully, you will be able to prove she is incorrect and end it quickly. Meanwhile, you have to rack up legal bills right before your wedding.

Know that I am behind you 100%.

7/01/2007 7:06 AM  
Blogger Margaret said...

Communication is so important. Confrontation is always uncomfortable, but it is important to be able to voice your feelings and go to someone face to face first.

I wish for you and your fiance' the best in this situation. I'm sorry you lost a trusted friend. That's the worse part of the entire scenario.

(sent here by Doc John)

7/09/2007 3:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with kristin, it is a lawyer-happy nation. I have found that out over a lifetime of difficult situations where lawyers had to be utilized, and when they were nothing was ever the same again.

Sent here by Dr. John

7/10/2007 5:14 AM  
Blogger .Tom Kapanka said...

The first time I had comments come my way from Dr. John readers, I didn't know who to thank, but you can find him at Dr. John's Fortress

Not knowing any of the three players in this unfortunate experience, I'll assume the best of all characters. You seem pretty level-headed about it so maybe you can begin by assuming she senses the same feeling of betrayal over whatever wrong she feels has been done to her. Though she should not have gone through a lawyer without first talking to you, you've probably correctly guessed why she did. Set that aside and do the right thing anyway.
Whether enough trust on both sides can be restored to salvage the friendship only time will tell, but doing the right thing is something you can live with for a lifetime.
On a side note, if there is the slightest chance that she reads your blog, I would delete this post until it's settled.
A fellow writer,
Tom at POI

7/10/2007 6:11 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

Thanks for all the great thoughts. I'm happy to report that the situation has resolved itself. My fiance called her, and then wrote her explaining his side of the situation. That was apparently all she needed. I'm still not sure why she felt her best option was legal action rather than calling him to ask what was going on, but I am glad that she heard what he said and that everything has ended well.

7/10/2007 6:37 AM  
Blogger chrstnfrancy said...

So nice to see you here again. I agree with you about divorce attorney in Fairfax

4/08/2023 2:48 AM  

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