Sam's Adventures and Stuff
Sam Emerson, my frog kissing heronine, has been have a grand old time making friends on MySpace. She's got 26 friends now; twice as many as I have. A few of them are other cartoon people, a few are guys who seem to want to date her. If you haven't done so, I encourage you to check MySpace out. It's interesting to see the ways people are using it to sell books, products, and themselves. Am I a little obsessed? Yes. Will I stop accosting my friends on the street and forcing them to create profiles? Just as soon as they do it.
Sam also has her own web site now,
In the meantime, I've been paying more attention to Ellie, and she's feeling better. I got a last-minute invitation to go to Rehoboth Beach last weekend. Between the rain and the absence of an Internet connection, I had many hours to devote to Ellie. It was fantastic. I'm almost done with draft #2. As soon as I wrap that up, I'm going to start looking for an agent. Eeek. I know that will be a long process, but I'm ready. My new superfast laser printer will help a lot.
Speaking of Ellie, she's demanding a little attention right now. I must not ignore her.
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