A Day for Every Busy Woman
Okay everyone, I am officially REALLY putting myself out there. The exact time and place of this historic (and frightening) event is Saturday, June 17, 2006 at the Fairview Marriott in Fairfax, Virginia.
How, you may ask, would hanging out at a hotel on a fine spring day constitute putting myself out there? I'm glad you asked.
I'm going to speak at an event, in front of a lot of strangers. People who do not acutally know me.

I have been invited to participate in an author's workshop at the Day For Every Busy Woman conference. I, along with five or six other authors, will conduct some sort of panel discussion (don't ask me what we're actually doing... the organizers haven't totally decided yet). After that, we will go off to our corners to (hopefully) sell lots and lots of books.
I am alternately excited and terrified by the prospect. Especially since one of the other authors is someone I know and respect, Mary Foley, who is a professional public speaker and all round hysterical person who writes fantastic and motivational business books for women.
Aside from the fact I'll be there hawking my wares, this is going to be a great day. The whole theme is helping women find time to relax and enjoy life. How great is that? I encourage anyone in the DC area to find their way to Fairfax on June 17. Drop by and say hi, I'd love to see you!
Now that I am over my jealousy :)
I can say CONGRATULATIONS and I think this is fabulous! If I were going to be in town that day, I'd go just to be another smiling face in the audience. Best wishes, and I know you'll do great! Joanne
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