The web site for Susan Rose...writer and business tycoon

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Welcome to RoseBud, the site where inquiring minds can find out what's new with me, Susan Rose. I started this site to keep my friends and family up-to-date on the progress of my novel, Confessions of a Frog Kisser. Since publishing the book, this site has morphed into whatever I feel like making it at any given time! To find out a little more about me and my goings on, take a look through the site. I'd love to hear from you, especially if I say something in the blog that strikes a chord. So drop me a line anytime.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Unexpected Surprises

My little book journey continues to amaze me.

Yesterday I got an e-mail from a second cousin I've never met. In fact, I didn't even know about him (the history of the myriad ways in which my family doesn't keep in touch with each other is an entire book itself, just suffice it to say we're true Prarie People). I sent the book postcard to my fabulous Great Aunt Nora, who thought her dear nephew would be intersted in meeting another writer in the family. He was, and sent me a wonderful e-mail and a link to his web site, where he had a photo album of various family members (including one photo with my father). I feel like a got a slice of family history. They looked like very fun, interesting people. I hope I get to meet them at Aunt Nora's 100th birthday extravaganza (which will be another entire book itself).

It was very cool.

I get messages from people, or met new people, almost every day as a result of publishing my book. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Fame and Glory...

Well, not exactly. But I must admit that seeing my book listed on Barnes and is really, really cool. The excitment doesn't wear off with time. I know this because I go to the web site and look at the listing about five times a day. I suspect I'll do the same with if they ever get around to posting (they will, it just apparently takes them several weeks to do it).

With all the work I did to get the book ready, I never really considered what it would feel like once it was out there in the universe and people started buying it. (Yes...some people have bought it!) I was unprepared for the mixutre of excitement, pride, and total fear. People are buying it. That means they'll probably read it. EEEKKKK. But it's good. That's why I published it.

Who knew I was so neurotic? (I'll ask my family to please refrain from comment.)

Mostly this is all very exciting. Not only is it cool to see my name in lights, so to speak, I'm connecting with old friends I haven't connected with in a very long time. And that is the biggest benefit of all.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Buy Frog Kisser Now!

Confessions of a Frog Kisser is officially available for sale now! I thought it would take longer (as indicated on the 2,500 postcards I printed that say available March, 2006), but Booklocker worked their magic and my book is ready.

My book may also get a mention in next Friday's Reston Observer. Karen and I were interviewed yesterday for a profile on our business. I surprised myself by blantanly self promoting the book during that interview. It will be fun to see if anything comes of it. Actually, it will be fun to see the article in general. We're still surprised and flattered that the paper chose us for a feature story.

Meanwhile, Frog Kisser is available through just about any channel you could want. Buying it directly from Booklocker is the fastest, but you can order it on, Barnes and, and as a special order from any bookstore. Click on over to the Read Me page of my site to download the first chapter.

Thanks for all your support. It is so fun and exciting to be entering this new phase of my book's little life!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Random Musing

It's a cold, rainy morning in Reston. I've got a fat black cat on my lap, which means I'm sitting at a very un-ergonomic angle to type, hoping the computer won't fall from its precarious position on the arm of my futon. I have to twist around further to grab my life-sustaining cup of coffee. A spill (on the keyboard) it imminent.

Is this how you picture me working? Probably not.

The vast difference between our reality and other people's perception of our reality is facinating. This is on my mind because I was talking about it with a friend last night. The context was a work situation where I've been frozen out of having contact with the client (making my job a little harder). I was feeling put upon, treated as a second class citizen, as if my contribution to this project isn't valued. My friend had another opinion...she thinks the project leader feels threatened by me (and my sister), and that's why she's not letting us meet the big guys.

Huh? Me threatening?

My friend pointed out that the project leader never sees the messy office, the fuzzy pink house slippers, and pony-tail piled on top of my head. This woman only sees the professional, organized person who goes out in public. And, frankly, that woman is pretty darn confident and competent. And professional me is a threat to the project leader's position of power on this project. I'd never considered that as a possiblity.

How do others see you? Does understanding how they see you help you understand how they behave toward you?

I have a new insight into this less-than-ideal work situation now. With it, I will behave differently. Now if I can just figure this stuff out in the rest of my life.

Me on my wedding day. I was just a little bit happy.

Rejuvenations Massage Therapy, my fabulous hubby's massage center, was voted Best of Fairfax. If you're in the Northern VA area, come visit. Visit Rejuvenations Massage Therapy to learn more.

The book that was the beginning of so much good in my life.

Get cute tee shirts, mugs, journals, and more to go with the book!