The web site for Susan Rose...writer and business tycoon

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Welcome to RoseBud, the site where inquiring minds can find out what's new with me, Susan Rose. I started this site to keep my friends and family up-to-date on the progress of my novel, Confessions of a Frog Kisser. Since publishing the book, this site has morphed into whatever I feel like making it at any given time! To find out a little more about me and my goings on, take a look through the site. I'd love to hear from you, especially if I say something in the blog that strikes a chord. So drop me a line anytime.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

It's Happening....

I'm becoming a bride. Eeeek. Runway!

Today is the one-month countdown to the BIG DAY. It also marks the moment that I have officially become unable to really think about anything except the BIG DAY.

I didn't expect that to happen to me. My wedding plans are relatively simple, so there isn't much to obsess about there. I'm not concerned about anything going wrong, although I'm sure some things will (I'm hoping something dramatic and silly happens concerning the six little boys in kilts).

Everything is under control, yet I still can't concentrate on either of my two jobs, which is problematic since both of those are paying for the honeymoon.

I guess it's just inevitable. I'm so excited about the prospect of life with Rick, and I'm excited about the BIG DAY because I know it's going to be a total blast.

Or maybe it's inevitable because I really am a girl, and girls really do get excited about weddings. Whatever. I'm letting it take over me, whatever that entails.


Me on my wedding day. I was just a little bit happy.

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The book that was the beginning of so much good in my life.

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